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IRL Games

IRL Games is a hobby shop for "In Real Life" Games. Their goal is to become your neighborhood shop that cares about its customers and their needs. We strived to create collateral that encouraged both online and in-store engagement.

Social Media

Social Media was a large part of the store's outreach to current and possible shoppers. Not only did the posts need to be exciting, they needed to easily inform the viewer what products were in, when they would be in, and what event would be happening. Each post had a large amount of individuality but was kept consistent through fonts and hashtags. 

Sales & Events

Each sale or event consisted of marketing with touch points on multiple levels. Flyers were created to advertise around town, within quick walking or driving distance. Social posts, ads, and online headlines marketed not only to local shoppers, but also online sales. Email marketing was highly successful for loyal customers that were given advanced notice of sales and events. 

Black Friday

The Black Friday Sale was promoted strongly, through all platforms. The goal of the design was to focus on a sleek design, by using the black and the red, and then imply an explosion of sales with the falling gold confetti. 


Signage was important around the store, as there were many products and the store layout was winding. Signs leading you to different sections encouraged a less chaotic flow for shoppers. Artwork from the designs was pulled from store use marketing material of the products that were being sold. This allowed for a more immersive environment within the store.

One Year Anniversary

For the One Year Anniversary, I pulled a very recognizable gameplay object, the RPG Die. It was the perfect reference object as it is known to contain numbers. I then created a celebratory design for multiple applications, and eventually made a video that incorporated the art. 

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